Enjoy new Easy Project 10.6 with the best Gantt chart ever

Discover new powerful features that help you get your projects done. Easier, quicker, and smoother.

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I migliori strumenti e pratiche di PM

Diagramma di Gantt, WBS, Task & Time Tracking, Kanban, SCRUM, Risorse e molto altro ancora, tutto integrato in un'unica applicazione.

100% mobile

Tenetevi aggiornati sullo stato di avanzamento dei vostri progetti in qualsiasi momento e in qualsiasi luogo con la nostra App mobile.

Facile da usare

Configura automaticamente permessi e flussi di lavoro con un clic. 15 ruoli predefiniti e dashboard adatte a tutte le aziende.

Accesso rapido

I data center situati in tutto il mondo e le soluzioni per il tuo server, garantiscono risposte rapide da qualsiasi luogo.

Better Gantt Chart, Resource Management with Reports and bunch of UX improvements in 25 most wanted project management features

Additionally, look forward to more than 25 professional business features for Agile, Risk Management, Project Finances, Help Desk, CRM, DevOps, and more.

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CompliancePoint, Inc.
Easy Project ci ha permesso di prendere finalmente il controllo dei nostri progetti, di diventare più efficienti e di avere una panoramica generale sull'andamento dei progetti che non avevamo mai avuto prima d'ora. Lo staff di supporto di Easy Project ci ha aiutato moltissimo nel modificare il software per soddisfare tutte le nostre particolari necessità.

Perché i nostri clienti hanno scelto Easy Project?

+ 56%

Efficienza Superiore

+ 75%

Teamwork Migliorato

+ 32%

Risparmio di Tempo

+ 81%

Aumento Produttività

+ 57%

Risparmio di Risorse

Dati basati su ricerche svolte su oltre 40.000 utenti di Easy Project.

Powerful improvements for your project in the new Easy Project 10.6

Easier Planning With The New Gantt Chart

Do you use the Gantt Chart on daily basis? Good, because we've now made it easier to work with thanks to a significant facelift! You can now catch-and-drop the operational elements as a start and due date, progress or relation creation. We've rounded edges too, so you can separate tasks from each other really easily. Plus with newly added navigational lines you will better trace the higher levels of each task.

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Better Control Over Your Resources With Resource Reports

What about having an even more visual overview of your resources' capacities? Resource report is a complement of Resource management and is available on any customizable page (you will find it under the Users section). It will help you see and therefore plan better. This a new page module brings you Contingency table listing of users, their allocated hours and Stacked charts. 

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Notable Time-saving With Game Changing Built-In Roles

Every organization has some key people who need to be members of all projects due to the character of their work (e.g. top management or HR). To simplify the administration of such users and save your time, we're introducing new Built-In role setting. You can add automatically specific users across-the-board to every project instead of time-consuming manual setting. Users with the Built-In role will be shown in a separate section.

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Clearer DMS

Do you believe that organizing and storing your documents and folders should be as easy as possible? Then you will love this new drag-and-drop replacement function. Simply drag a file or a folder and drop it wherever its destination is. In addition, you'll be able to see the synoptical structure of your visible projects and their DMS file structures.

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Quicker Searching in Administration

Do you sometimes get tired of looking for settings as an admin? Not anymore! Just use the Quick search and save time. It looks through Menu items in Administration, Plugin configuration pages, Sections in Global settings, Particular settings within Global Settings, and Settings of advanced features.

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Coworkers Search on new task form

Create, save, search, add, save? No, not anymore. Now you can simply search for and immediately add coworkers to the new task at the very same time you create it. Start typing your coworker's name into the search bar and you will easily find and add the ones you need.

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Scelto dalle migliori aziende di tutto il mondo

100% ready for remote

Easy Project includes everything you need to keep your projects and teams under control while working remotely or from home office.

  • Project management made online and simple using WBS mind maps, Gantt chart, critical paths, and baseline plans, quick scheduler, milestones, project templates, and more professional features.
  • Effective teamwork in one single platform thanks to audio & video conference calls, team chat, and shared project documents.
  • Professional agile development and projects with features for SCRUM, kanban, scrumban, backlogs, burn-down and velocity charts, sprints, reports and more.
  • Synoptic time and productivity tracking and scheduling using reports of done work, schedules, and stopwatches.
  • Easy work and processes management with tasks, checklists, time overview, workflow, user roles and permissions, integrated calendar and deadlines.
  • Comprehensive project review and reporting using earned value, graphs, activity reports, time reports, and alerts.

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Sali a bordo facilmente con le integrazioni di Easy Project

Easy Project è integrato con altri software per il tuo inserimento. Integrato con oltre 1.000 app utilizzando Zapier.

Compatibile con gli standard IPMA & PMI

SHINE Consulting Ltd. - detentore della Certificazione "Project Management in Practice" riguardante il programma di formazione per Project Management (Standard Internazionali IPMA), oltre ad essere membro del PMI R.E.P. Registered Education Provider. ** Il Logo di PMI Registered Education Provider è un marchio registrato di Project Management Institute, Inc

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