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Project management software adapted to your needs

Easy Project brings harmony to every work environment. Upgrade your PM to Easy Project 13.

WBS, Gantt Chart, SCRUM, Kanban: Easy Project features all these and more

Well-executed project management leads to harmony within projects, teams and throughout a company.

That is why we designed Easy Project as a “Swiss army knife” project tool that adapts to your needs. Agile? Waterfall? B2B CRM? Helpdesk? You name it.

Easy Project will get you through all project phases and comes with professional services like project management implementation, support, webinars, and e-learning.

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How Easy Project helps our users

Our users reported a significant upgrade in overall productivity. Just several months after using Easy Project on a daily basis.

+ 56%

Higher efficiency

+ 75%

Improved teamwork

+ 32%

Time saving

+ 81%

Increased productivity

+ 57%

Resource saving

What users say about Easy Project on Capterra

Project harmonization regardless of industry

Easy Project has been developed to match the specific needs of various sectors, such as IT and software, industry, services, education, and the public. Easy Project can be used on an individual, team, or company basis. In other words, in the way that best suits your needs.

Easy Project Zapier Integrations

Integrate with the tools you are already using

Our tool can not only be adapted to your management style and industry requirements, but can also be integrated with 1,000+ apps using Zapier!

The numbers speak for themselves


Business users


Organizations all over the world


85 partners in 26 countries



Project management blog – articles, tips & news

9 minutes read
On-premises (private server) or cloud: How to choose

When it comes to project management software, organizations have two main deployment options to consider: cloud-based and on-premises. Let us help you to choose the right deployment for the project management software!

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7 minutes read
The five most common mistakes of risk management

If you're a project manager, prioritizing the identification and management of risks is crucial. Without proper handling, these risks can escalate into significant financial issues for your company. Be familiar with common mistakes to overcome them elegantly.

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8 minutes read
How to create customer-centric project management system

Companies are still trying to find how to manage an enormous number of projects to support their customer-centric strategic ambitions without causing an organizational bottleneck. To succeed, you must consider the project quality, governance, and other crucial choices involving your master project since these factors greatly impact your business's expansion.

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