Extend Your Easy Project With the Enterprise Wiki Software BlueSpice
Easy Software is pleased to announce the strategic partnership with Hallo Welt! GmbH. This combines the leading project management software Easy Project with the enterprise wiki software BlueSpice, which is built on MediaWiki, the software of Wikipedia.

Together, we aim to develop solutions for our customers that enable them to solve challenging management requirements: organizational development, software development, technical documentation, and integrated management systems are just a few of the use cases that both companies are now focusing on.
Easy Software and Hallo Welt! are responding to the growing demand for open-source alternatives that meet data protection requirements in Europe. But we also see a unique opportunity to reach new customers through this partnership: Customers who want to use innovative ideas to make the organization of their companies much more efficient and who want to be at the forefront of the competition.
In the upcoming partnership projects, we would like to support customers with practical solutions. Customers can receive attractive offers from both Easy Software (www.easyproject.com) and Hallo Welt! (www.bluespice.com) if they want to use our products and services.
For Easy Project customers, this means that in the future they will be able to expand their project management software at any time with the feature-rich knowledge database from Hallo Welt! The company from Regensburg (Germany) is a leading provider of MediaWiki solutions with many years of experience in demanding customer projects in national and international environments. The core product, the enterprise wiki BlueSpice, is the solution for implementing integrated management systems, agile documentation platforms or collaborative knowledge databases for sharing and managing corporate knowledge. The free version of BlueSpice is installed tens of thousands of times worldwide every year.
The versatile BlueSpice is also used in almost all industries. However, the software is particularly popular in the health and social services sector, for example with health insurance companies or clinics, in mechanical and plant engineering and of course in the entire IT sector as well as with suppliers for energy, water and waste. In recent years more and more municipalities and public sector institutions have also discovered BlueSpice for themselves. The customers of Hallo Welt! have in common that they have a high need for documentation and regulation and are confronted with complex and rapidly changing content. This is exactly where the wiki software plays to its strengths and is an ideal complement to Easy Project.
One example is product development and product management. For this, every company needs a central platform on which development, sales and management can work together. In the wiki, those involved collaborate on the specification for a new software product. All current specifications, stakeholder feedback and the minutes of all meetings can be found there centrally. Easy Project takes over the control of the concrete implementation. Capacities are planned in the task system, tasks are assigned, acceptances and documentations are organized. All these activities are done with control of workload and costs. The documentation of the new product, in turn, is sensibly handled in the BlueSpice wiki. This high transparency of the process significantly reduces communication and research times.
And the organization of the normal daily routine, e.g. the handling of customer projects, also becomes much more transparent and efficient through the combination of the two tools. The weekly team meetings are prepared in the wiki. The employees write their topics and key figures there in advance in the minutes, and the planning and all agreements are already documented during the meeting: the results are immediately available to everyone. In the minutes, the weekly tasks contain the corresponding links to the tasks in Easy Project. Traffic light colors indicate the status of the tasks. And when the team members call up the minutes again in the following days, they can see all the central information about the implementation status via the link to the task system: Who is the current processor? How many hours have already been worked on it and what is the implementation status? They don't have to leave the wiki to do this: they simply hover over the task icon with the mouse. Conversely, the comment function in the relevant Easy Project task has been extended to include a link to the wiki page.
Another prominent example of the productive use of wikis and project management systems is certainly the Support and User Help Desk business unit. While the organization of requests and communication with the customer and colleagues takes place in the task, the wiki is the central and easily searchable platform for information in all support levels. Both user and admin manuals, the most important how-tos, descriptions of workarounds, references, notes on configurations, installations, product and process descriptions for all product variants can be found there. Support staff, technicians, technical writers share knowledge in the wiki, but also employees from sales, marketing or project management get a lot of information here and update content with valuable experience.
The use cases are almost endless. And the two partners Easy Software and Hallo Welt! are only at the beginning. They want to further expand the technical connection of the two tools in cooperation with their customers. On the wish list is the implementation of task activity streams. Integrating authentication systems and the search engines of the two applications.

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