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Welcome to the New Client Zone 2.0: See How You Will Smoothen Managing Your Easy Project Account

5 minutes
Jakub Ryba

Many important elements of your business run via Easy Project. Therefore, we now provide you with a tool, that enables you to have perfect control over your account – comfortably from one place. Welcome to the new Client Zone!

Enter new Client Zone now

Ready to take full control over your Easy Project account? The new Client Zone allows you to smoothly run and manage everything business-related. From contracts, subscriptions, and recurring payments through invoices and billing details to your very own upgrade customization. First things first though – have a look at the top benefits of the new Client Zone.

1. Manage and upgrade your contracts, subscriptions, and recurring payments:

Business is dynamic. It can easily happen you will develop a need for a new feature for managing your projects. If so, you can simply enhance your account with any of our wide portfolio of features and tools. Plus, within the new Client Zone, you will always see a clear overview of all Easy Projects features you currently use and you can always customize your account.

Welcome to the New Client Zone 2.0: See How You Will Smoothen Managing Your Easy Project Account

Welcome to the New Client Zone 2.0: See How You Will Smoothen Managing Your Easy Project Account

2. Invoices will only be available for safe download

Eliminating invoice-related monkey business will make everyone happier. And faster. All invoices will now be safely available to download from the Client Zone. You will not receive any emails with invoices anymore.

Welcome to the New Client Zone 2.0: See How You Will Smoothen Managing Your Easy Project Account

Welcome to the New Client Zone 2.0: See How You Will Smoothen Managing Your Easy Project Account

Generate new password for Client Zone

3. Billing details management

Within the Client Zone, you can simply change or correct billing and contact details on your invoices, contracts, and other documents.

Welcome to the New Client Zone 2.0: See How You Will Smoothen Managing Your Easy Project Account

Welcome to the New Client Zone 2.0: See How You Will Smoothen Managing Your Easy Project Account

“All invoices will from now on be comfortably available for download. You will not receive an invoice from Easy via e-mail anymore.”

4. Need an advice? Get it or find it quickly

You have several options to get help with any of your Easy Project-related issues:

  • Use Live Chat directly within the Client Zone
  • Create a Support ticket or request a callback
  • Find detailed features descriptions in the Knowledge base
  • Download the Owner's manual and PDF guides
  • Open the FAQs section

Welcome to the New Client Zone 2.0: See How You Will Smoothen Managing Your Easy Project Account

Welcome to the New Client Zone 2.0: See How You Will Smoothen Managing Your Easy Project Account

In conclusion

The new Client Zone is here for you to become more independent. We believe that having everything under control from one place will result in easier managing of your Easy Project account. To enter the new Client Zone, first, generate a new password – let us know at the customer support. Thank you and enjoy!

Your Easy Project account under control from one place? Easy.

Download invoices, upgrade your subscriptions and get help with your issues.

Try Easy Project in 30 days free trial

Full features, SSL protected, daily backups, in your geolocation