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Project News module

It's essential that all major changes made to a project are accompanied by official news from the owners of the project. Therefore, Easy Project would not be a good project hosting solution without the News module. When enabled, the News module adds the News tab to the project menu, as shown in this screenshot.

Under this tab, you can see the list of all news about the project. To subscribe to these news feeds, you can click on the Watch link in the top-right corner. You can also subscribe to project news using the Atom link and your favorite feed reader.

If you have the Manage news permission, you will also see the Add news link in the contextual menu.

Clicking on this link shows the following form above the news list. As you can see, the news description has a standard HTML editor toolbar.

If you click on the news title, you will be redirected to the news page, which is shown in this screenshot. If you have Comment news permission, you will see the Add a comment link on this page. Clicking on this link opens the form containing only one text area, which also supports rich text formatting. Using the trash icon to the right of the comment, users with appropriate permission can remove the comment. If you are interested in getting notifications about new comments in the news, you can click on the Watch link in the contextual menu of the news page (after this, the link will change to the Unwatch link). If you have authored the news, watching will be enabled for you automatically. Other links in this menu can be used to edit and delete news.

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