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Resource dashboard

How to use Resource dashboard

Watch the video tutorial on how the Resource Dashboard works.

Resource Dashboard plugin is a complement to the existing Resource management plugin. It is a set of dashboards that brings an ultimate visual overview of all your resources on a one-page dashboard. So you need no more than just one look on this dashboard in order to get an instant insight about your KPI's and resources.

How to get the plugin

This plugin is available solely for Easy Project as the part of Resource management module to purchase via the Client zone.

How to access the plugin

When you have Resource Dashboard plugin purchased and installed, make sure it's activated in the plugin configuration (More: Administration: Plugins: Resource Management: Easy Resource Dashboard). If so, you can find it in More menu as shown below. Please note this is a global-level functionality only so you cannot find it on particular projects.

Easily customizable

In principle, the resource dashboard can be customized in the same manner as a personalized homepage or a project overview page. The main difference is in the availability of modules you can select from and put them on the page. Among the standard modules that you can add into Resource Dashboard as well as on any other pages, there are several additional modules specifically customized for the purpose of showing resource allocations as listed below.

Many types of interactive visualization

Select from various available types of data representation such as graphs, charts, gauges and pipelines. Everything may be easily and quickly configured in module settings.

Allocations by task type

Allocations by task type show how much time is allocated for each task type. It might look like this.

Group utilization

Group utilization shows a work utilization of a selected group of users. Here is an example.

Top user utilization / User utilization

While Top user utilization shows a list with specified number of most utilized users, a common User utilization shows a total allocation per selected user as illustrated below.

Total allocation chart

Total allocation chart shows a total allocation overview as the proportion of spent time and estimated time per all resources in a single chart. This may look like this.

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