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Release notes for version: 11.0.1

Please read before upgrading to platform version 11.0.1.

Stakeholders page: Design responsiveness issue

The Stakeholders page on a project does not fit properly to the window when it is resized or the entire browser freezes.

Fixed. The Stakeholders page on a project fits properly in the window when it is resized.

Finalization of Menu 2.0

Some items in the old menu needed to be renamed and/or categorized in order to simplify navigation.

Finalization of items and structure of the new menu (Menu 2.0).

Print of Gantt/WBS from a browser

Gantt and WBS printing were managed by export templates.

Gantt and WBS printing are no longer managed by export templates that were not suitable for it. You can use browser printing (CTRL+P) instead.

A closed project can still be edited via the context menu

A closed project could still be edited via the context menu.

Fixed. The actions are not active in the context menu of a closed project.

Cannot delete an item from the To-Do list

If the To-Do list contained a long word, the icon to delete an item from the list was not visible.

Fixed. Even if the To-Do list contains a long word, the icon to delete an item from the list is still visible.

The custom menu on a project cannot be saved

The custom menu of a project (Project settings >> Modules >> Custom menu) fails to save if the project contains unfilled required fields.

Fixed. When saving the custom menu of a project, the project's required fields are not validated so the saving process is not interrupted.

Cannot use the middle mouse button in the Activity feed to open links in a new window

In the Activity feed, it was not possible to use the middle mouse button to open links in a new window.

Fixed. In the Activity feed, the middle mouse button can be used to open the links in a new window.

Scheduler: Problem with the hamburger menu item in the page module

In a Scheduler page module, the hamburger menu item was accessible to anyone, but you got the 403 error unless you had permission to View Easy Gantt.

Fixed. The display of the hamburger menu item is unified with permission to access the /easy_scheduler page.

The "Diff" view does not respect text line breaks in task journals

There was a problem with breaking text lines in task journals that did not appear after clicking the "Diff" button.

Fixed. Text line breaks in task journals are displayed after clicking the "Diff" button.

WBS: The “One side” option issue

When a user moved a tab from one browser to a different one, the “One side” option in WBS seemed to be ignored, so the user had to click on it again.

Fixed. When a user moves a tab from one browser to a different one, the “One side” option in WBS is preserved.

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