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Roles and permissions

Overview of Roles and permissions settings

Roles and permissions settings can be configured in More » Administration » Roles and permissions. Here you can see the existing roles, you can delete them, create a new one and you can also see permissions report. You may edit the name of the role and set what can the user with this role see or do.

To create a new role, simply click on the "New role" green button at the top right. By default, the permissions of the new role are the same as those of the non-member role.

You can drag and drop roles in the list, thus creating a hierarchy, which determines which role can delete any other from a project. For example, role A cannot delete a role B from a project if role B is above the role A in the hierarchy.

There are two types of permissions: global permissions and project permissions

Global - if the user is in this role in any project, he can perform these actions. These actions are valid throughout the system without binding to a single project. Project - only applied to actions in projects where the user is in this role. A special case is setting permissions for users who are not members of any projects. Permissions for these users are set in the role of Non-member, which is a system role that can not be deleted. Permissions are grouped by modules and plugins. Here I a brief summary of what which group contains.


  • Tasks can be assigned to this role: yes or no
  • Tasks can be reassigned only to author: yes or no
  • Tasks visibility: all/non-private tasks in user's projects or tasks created/watched/assigned to the user. The last option includes the user's direct subordinates as well (if defined by the organization structure)
  • Spent time visibility: all entries or own entries only
  • Users visibility: all or members of visible projects only
  • Member management: which user roles can assign this particular user role to other users when adding or editing project members
  • Contacts visibility: all contacts or contacts meeting specific criteria only
  • CRM cases visibility: all CRM cases or those created/watched by the user only
  • Export templates visibility: all export templates or those created by the user only

Global permissions

  • Project: you can allow the user to create projects, delete projects, edit projects, etc.
  • Agile Board: set who can view/manage global sprint and Scrum board
  • Alerts: set what may your user do with alerts
  • Attendance: you can control here, what may the user do with the attendance and also if he may see only his attendance or also attendance of other users
  • Budgets: you can set here if the user may see the budget sheet as well as rates
  • CRM: set if the user may manage user targets in CRM
  • Calculoid: set who can view Calculoid
  • Chat: here you set whether or not the user may use the chat
  • Contacts: here you set if the user may see or manage contacts
  • Easy GIT: set who can view and manage Easy GIT
  • Easy Gantt & Resource Management & Scheduler: allow your user to see or make changes through Easy Gantt, Resource Management and Scheduler
  • Easy Zoom: permissions related to the integrated Zoom meeting manager
  • Help desk: allow managing Help desk
  • Knowledge base: allows the user to see knowledge posts, add, edit or delete them.
  • Meeting calendar: allow users to view Meeting calendar and edit it
  • Payroll and invoicing sheet: allow your user to view payroll and invoicing sheets as well as internal/external rates
  • Project calculation: allow the user to add/remove tasks from project calculations
  • Spent time: allow your user to view spent time, personal entries, log time for other users or lock entries
  • Timesheets: allow the user to see timesheets
  • To-Do: allow your user to use the to-do list in the sidebar
  • Others: contains permissions to view resource booking module, edit the personal homepage and editing profile

Project permissions

  • Project: here you will find overall permissions of editing project in any way
  • Attachments: set who can view attachments on a project
  • Baselines: allow the user to view or manage Baselines of a project
  • Budgets: permissions related to planned/real costs, incomes, expenses, and profit
  • CRM: set if the user may see CRM cases and if he can manage them
  • Calendar: set who can view calendar
  • Checklists: set who can create and manage checklists
  • Continuous integration: manage Easy Jenkins settings and pipelines
  • DMS: permissions related to documents stored in DMS
  • Documents: allow the user to view or manage documents
  • Earned values: set who can view or edit values in Earned Value Management module on a project
  • Easy sla events: set who can view and manage SLA events in Help desk
  • Easy web hooks: set who can view and manage web hooks in Repository
  • Files: set who can view and manage files on a project
  • Help desk: allow the user to use the Help desk module on a project
  • Kanban: set who can view and edit Kanban board
  • Knowledge base: allow the user to view and manage knowledge post on a project
  • Mail campaigns: set who can manage mail campaigns
  • News: allow the user to view add and manage news module on a project
  • Project calculation: set who can view project calculation
  • Quick project planning: allow the user to use quick project planning
  • Repository: allow the user to view and manage repositories and details
  • Requirements: set who can view, edit and manage requirements
  • Scrum: set who can view, edit or manage Scrum board on a project
  • Spent time: allow the user to log time, edit time entries or manage project activities
  • Task sequences: set who can design task sequences
  • Task tracking: here you set everything that has to do with tasks, such as creation, deleting, editing, viewing, etc.
  • Test Cases: permissions related to test cases, test plans, and test case executions
  • WBS: set who can view WBS module on a project

Permissions Report

On the Roles and permissions main page, in the sidebar in an option "Permissions report" where you can compare the permissions of the roles.

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