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Business dashboards

business dashboards
global filters
graphs & charts

How to use Business dashboards

The video tutorial

Business dashboards consist of three main features - global filters above dashboards, graphs and charts with on-click functionality, and trends. With global filters, a user can apply a filter to all or just selected modules on a personalised dashboard together in just two clicks. Graphs and charts can be configured to show a specific page (dimension) upon a click on the chart values. Moreover, trends give you real-time values and trends overview just after one glance on a dashboard.

Business dashboards represent a crucial part of business intelligence strategy in an organization as they enable to analyze your business using geo/product/project segmented return of investments, including possible integration with real-time data from Google Analytics.

Global filters above dashboards – all modules on dashboard are filtered together

Global filters differ from conventional filters by allowing you to apply them to all or just selected modules together on any customised dashboard in two clicks only. For example, when you apply global filter "last month", all modules on a customised dashboard will show data for the last month only without the necessity to change filters for each module separately. To create one, just click on the "Customise" in the lower left corner of the page and then navigate to "Global filters" in the top menu. You can filter by the following criteria: Date, Date (from-to), Country, User, Project, List, Milestone, Sprint.

In order to select which of the page modules are dependent on global filters and which are not, you need to pair global filters with those modules where you want to use them. To do so, go to module settings and navigate to Global filters section. Here you just need to check the filters you want to use with that module. Please note that only those global filters that can be used with the particular module are available to select.

When global filters are configured, save the settings and now you can find your filters on the top of the page as drop-down menus. By applying a global filter, only filtered data shows in all paired modules together.

Graphs and charts with click-through drill down to other dimensions

Any kind of graphs and charts added to a personalised dashboard can be configured to show a specific page (so-called "dimension") when a user clicks on the chart values. This page is displayed based on manually entered URL address, which can be found in the module configuration under "On click" section. In the "URL" field, enter the address of the page to show on click. If the URL address is located on the same domain, you may enter it without domain name such as "/projects" instead of "www.domain.name/projects". In "Target" option, select how to open the URL such as the current tab, new tab or the Quick task editor.

This is how it looks like when a chart is displayed in the Quick task editor.

Trends with automatic comparison to the previous period

A module called Trends can be added to your personalised dashboard. Its main purpose is to give you real-time values and trends overview just after one glance on a dashboard. It compares two values either 1) between manually defined filter (such as number of tasks with due date in a specific time period) and the previous time period (such as this month vs previous month) or 2) between two manually defined filters - so-called "data series" that can be added or removed using a particular button. The difference between the two compared values represents an increasing (+), decreasing (-) or neutral trend, which is expressed using the actual value, percentage change from the compared data and the respective symbol of growth or decline.

Go to the dashboard personalisation settings, add a Trends module to the page and choose an entity whose trend you would like to monitor such as tasks, projects, CRM cases, etc. Also, select a color and icon of your module. Decide whether you monitor just number of items of the selected entity or sum of values represented by standard/custom fields on the entity such as estimated time, spent time, remaining time, SLA result, price, story points, etc.

In order to compare data between themselves, you should define a filter within the entity to specify the area of the trend such as helpdesk tickets created this month. Finally, define the data to compare with such as helpdesk tickets created last month. To let the system automatically compare to the previous time period, just tick the checkbox "Compare to previous period". Or you can manually define another filter to compare with by using the "Add data series" button. Besides conventional filter, you can optionally define global filters as well so that the trend will automatically reflect your current global filters settings. When the configuration is done, just save it. The module is now supposed to compare the two filters (values) and show the resulting trend on your personalised dashboard.

In order to open the list of items that are filtered in Trends dashboard module, just click on the module with the left mouse button. This gives you details of what is behind the overall value in the trend. The list opens in a pop-up window so you never leave the dashboard.


Corner situations

  • When global filters Date and Date (from-to) are both created and applied on the same tab, the Date filter prevails over Date (from-to). Therefore, it is recommended to create Date (from-to) global filter on a separate tab to prevent the conflict.

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