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How to create customer-centric project management system

8 minutes
Veronika Galíková

Companies are still trying to find how to manage an enormous number of projects to support their customer-centric strategic ambitions without causing an organizational bottleneck. To succeed, you must consider the project quality, governance, and other crucial choices involving your master project since these factors greatly impact your business's expansion.

Table of contents

Why is customer-centric project management essential?
Customer centricity boosts retention and revenue
How to create a customer-centric project management
Step 1: Create a valuable experience for stakeholders
Step 2: Engage customers throughout their journey
Step 3: Generate a feedback mechanism
Step 4: Enhance your employees' soft skills
Step 5: Give customer-centric costing
Step 6: Retain loyal customers
How Easy Project elevates customer experiences and increases retention

Why is customer-centric project management essential?

You can increase the number of projects and satisfy customers quicker than ever by integrating project management tools such as Easy Project. Sending a customized message on your clients' birthdays is no longer sufficient. No matter how consumers communicate, whether in-person, via email, online, social media, phone, or elsewhere, they expect more profound, more individualized experiences. But how can your company meet customers' expectations? If that's what you think, the answer is simple: organize a customer-centric project management system.

Customer centricity boosts retention and revenue

Today, businesses from all sectors are adopting a customer-first mentality. This leads to a laser-like focus on offering value to your clients for individuals in the services sector. Both strong customer relationships and healthy revenues depend on customer satisfaction. The saying You have to spend more to get a new customer than to retain an existing one is something you have heard before.

Today, this is truer than ever. Recent information published in Small Business Trends indicates that:

  • Selling to existing customers has a 60-70% chance of success, and selling to new customers has a 5-20% chance of success.
  • A company gets its business from its existing clients 65% of the time.
  • According to 32% of CEOs, keeping existing clients is a top priority.
  • The average American company loses 15% of its consumers annually.

How does the client-centric approach change the game for companies?
Watch our webinar to find out!

How to create a customer-centric project management

While every organization's goal is to provide excellent customer service, several project execution issues can suddenly and dramatically dissolve a solid relationship. For example, poor communication, delivery gaps, misalignment with intended outcomes, and other matters may encourage your client to move to your rivals.

However, you can switch to a more reliable project management tool such as Easy Project to resolve all challenges. The tool allows you to create a project completion roadmap, communicate issues, and predict outcomes. Here are some ways you can make a customer-centric project management system. 

Step 1: Create a valuable experience for stakeholders

Every struggle needs to produce value. Today, you can determine a project's success by many variables and moving pieces in addition to time, budget, and scope. Key stakeholders are most interested in knowing how the project achieves business goals. Therefore, it is essential to understand all the project stakeholders and the value they anticipate receiving from the project.

The project manager's responsibility is to routinely assess, report on, and discuss your progress toward those objectives. Integrating Easy Project, you can create user roles of stakeholders and give them access to reports. As a result, stakeholders can stay updated with every project update and ensure the team's progress.

Step 2: Engage customers throughout their journey

The first moment a potential consumer interacts with your business, its goods, or services is when customer engagement begins. Keeping a customer involved throughout the project will boost the likelihood of effective project delivery. Today, communication and transparency are essential to satisfy customers.

Engage clients early on and make sure they are actively involved in the process all the way through. Contact by phone, email, or in person can result in direct involvement. Also, you can indirectly update customers through Easy Project, which sends automatic emails or messages about project status. Finally, recognize your consumers' preferred methods of communication and attempt to get in touch with them as frequently as possible.

Step 3: Generate a feedback mechanism

Continual engagement and collaboration with all project stakeholders are also necessary for customer-centric approach. Therefore, experts suggest adding a feedback process early in the project rather than just post-mortem to take advantage of this participation. However, given the situation's complexity, you must give real-time feedback, comments, and reviews to every team member.

The ability to have a more fluid feedback mechanism enables the early detection and correction of problems. Are you at ease with the progress? And other such inquiries are the kinds you should be asking yourself frequently. Are things going as you anticipated them to? Do you have any further requests for my time? Do you own all the data you require?

Client-centric management schema.

Client-centric management schema

Step 4: Enhance your employees' soft skills

The importance of teaching project managers soft skills, including people management, effective communication, active listening, and conflict resolution, has increased. In addition, successful projects claim that improving communication skills is a critical component of "soft skills" since "a big portion of project management is individuals who interact with customers." By receiving soft skills training, you can make the most of your technical expertise to become a fantastic leader.

Step 5: Give customer-centric costing

In reality, many projects are doomed to failure as soon as they get off the ground. That is a result of inadequate scoping. By offering precise estimates of the project scope and cost, a project manager may aid in establishing expectations right away. Finally, it increases the likelihood of successful project delivery and satisfied clients by getting involved in the sales process early on and shaping the project planning based on knowledge and experience.

Step 6: Retain loyal customers

The ultimate goal of every project manager using customer-centric project management is retaining devoted clients. If clients remain loyal to you, your experience, customer engagement, and satisfaction strategies have been successful. At this point, organizations tend to become complacent as they concentrate on acquiring new customers. Learn to use your successes to generate leads for further projects or even brand-new, more challenging ones.

How Easy Project elevates customer experiences and increases retention

Easy Project is an effective project management tool to help you improve project quality and boost customer retention. The tool allows you to improve customer experience throughout their journey. Your customer satisfaction percentage will increase, and you'll retain clients when your data supports this experience, building a more profitable long-term connection. Still hesitating? Try the mentioned project management tool to form your own opinion. 

Frequently asked questions

What is a customer-centric approach?
What are the benefits of implementing customer-centric project management?

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