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8 minutes read
Discover new Easy Project 14 powered by 6 AI assistants

Explore the secret power of managers: the AI-driven project management suite with 6 cutting-edge Easy AI assistants that boost productivity, collaboration, and keep data secure at the same time. Discover how Easy Project 14 can transform your workflows!

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9 minutes read
When Scrum doesn't work: Uncovering the pitfalls

Scrum is undoubtedly one of the most popular Agile frameworks used in product management, especially in the world of software development. At its core, Scrum promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement.

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2 minutes read
Webinar: Explore the intuitive World of Easy Project 13

Easy Project 13 is here to bring seamless flow to your projects. Discover interesting features on our webinar on September 20th at 14:00 (CET) on our Zoom platform. Register for our webinar to learn vital information about our software in a business context.

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5 minutes read
Knowledge Base 2.0: the perfect way to access company's knowledge in Easy Project

Want to prevent the loss of valuable knowledge, centralize it, and enhance the overall efficiency of your company's operations? That's easy! Simply use our new Knowledge Base that we just integrated into Easy Project. Discover how it can assist you in addressing your business operation challenges. 

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8 minutes read
How to Monitor the Performance of Your Team Members in the Home Office Era
The progress of a project is a significant part of a project manager's responsibility. Overseeing the work of your team members is one of the ways to guarantee this progress. But how do you do it in the new era of remote working? Which tools are acceptable, functioning, and compliant?
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Project management
8 minutes read
The 6 Things That Stress Project Managers (And What to Do About Them)

Stress is a natural part of project management no matter the business field. A solid PM tool should help project managers manage not only their projects but also the stress they bring. Today, we will look at PM software as one of the best stress-reducing manager's weapons.

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Online project management makes sense for companies with ten or more employees
Project management
8 minutes read
deOnline Project Management Makes Sense for Companies With Ten or More Employees

Do you write tasks down on little pieces of paper that you stick to your monitor? Do you keep a running notepad or Excel sheet? That’s fine up to a certain number of projects, but trying to manage even a small team of people this way is practically impossible.

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